A Book of River Stories

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River Stories

We are starting the collection and compilation of river strories here. We plan to link each stories in a global map to the river the story is about.

Here are some initial stories:

Klamath Rivers

“We are about to witness healing on a major scale. Dam removal is the best way to bring a river back to life. The Klamath is significant not only because it is the biggest dam removal and river restoration effort in history, but because it shows that we can right historic wrongs and make big, bold dreams a reality for our rivers and communities.” Dr. Ann Willis, California Director, American Rivers

NSW Rivers

“The floods tell us the river is sick. We should listen to Indigenous knowledge to help Country heal. The only way to learn is from the river, like our old people did when they sat on its high banks of red and green.” Oliver Costello

Rio Grande Creating a resilient river report card and scenario model for the Upper Rio Grande, Workshop report:

The first stakeholder workshop to develop an eco-health report card and scenario model for the Upper Rio Grande occurred in late 2020. The goals of the workshop were to 1) identify shared values, threats, and priorities within the basin; 2) propose indicators; 3) identify data sources and expertise; and 4) discuss potential future management options.

Skagit'The river was stolen from us': a tribe's battle to retake the Skagit River, by Lester Black, March 5, 2021,The Guardian

The Upper Skagit Indian tribe are fighting Seattle to remove the Gorge Dam, and return the river to the section the city de-watered

Let Us Know About Your River Stories

If you come across river stories, we would appreciate if you could let us know. Please, use the comment utility below to send us a link to the story. Once we have a reasonable number, we will open the global map to give access to the stories connected to rivers on the map.

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