Lab Sheet for Patient Earth

Detailed Labsheets
Planetary Health
Base Line
Indicators and Indexes
Biomass Distribution
Bioregion Health
Environmental Indicators
Indicators for the Humansphere
Basics of Indicators
User Access

Indicators for the State and Trends in the Environment

This pages gives access to indices and indicators developed and maintained by others. We provide the links for information only and have no direct impact on what these pages provide.

Ecosystem Health


Forest Health Index: This index is maintained by the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies and provides 12 indicators of forest health such as temperature, precipitation, and fire risk.

CA Forest & Rangeland Indicators: This website tracks and shares Forest and Rangeland Indicators and their frameworks. Read more about About Forest and Rangeland Indicators

D'Andrea et al., 2016. Indicators of sustainable forest management: application and assessment: This report provides a comprehensive overview and assessment of indicators use in sustainable forest management.


Freshwater Health Index: The Freshwater Health Index is a web-based tool that measures system health by making clear connections between freshwater ecosystems, the benefits they provide to people and the governance system in place. This index is U.S. based. Conservation International is a founding partner of the Freshwater Health Index and is leading the project.


Ocean Health Indicator: The Ocean Health Index is a decision-making tool and framework for conserving the human-ocean ecosystem because people need a healthy ocean. The Index is the first assessment tool that scientifically measures key elements from all dimensions of the ocean’s health — biological, physical, economic and social — to guide decision makers toward the sustainable use of the ocean.

Global Sustainablity

Global Sustainability Indicator Catalog: The University of California, Davis, compiled this catalog from an extensive review of indicator frameworks and systems from around the world. Indicators were retrieved from these frameworks and sorted based on their relationship to categories within the California Water Plan and related categories (e.g., transportation and land-use). There are >1,860 indicators in this Catalog, many of which are related to other indicators. In other words, no attempt was made to conflate seemingly-related indicators, resulting in some duplication.

The categories used are:

  • Adaptive and Sustainable Management
  • Agriculture
  • Air Quality
  • Economics
  • Ecosystem Health
  • Land Use
  • Social Benefits and Equity
  • Transportation
  • Water Quality
  • Water Supply Reliability

Your Comments and Questions

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